Sunday 26 November 2023



A few days back Mridula Madam - my daughter’s Dance teacher informed us about their Dance production program on Karna Charithram being performed as part of their Annual Day celebrations. She also mentioned that she is performing the lead role. The timing was a clash with my Chenda  ( A Classical traditional instrument from the Southern region of India) classes. I immediately sought permission from my Ashan Sathish Kumar Ramankutty to have the classes a bit early. I was selfish not to miss both. He was also kind enough to allow the same. Sunday started with our chenda classes. For the last few weeks, it has been a bit hectic and sleep has eluded me for some months now. So I took a 20-minute wink and then started to proceed with the program. Hindustan Auditorium has been witness to many programs and the Annual Day Celebrations of Shree Natya Niketan was a given at this place. 

The essence of a given time to start a program should be learned from Shree Natya Niketan. They start on time and are punctual to the dot. This has been consistent throughout their years of programs. The Anchor was kind enough to enunciate the details of the magnitude that we were about to witness. The importance of Sun GOD in the life of Karna and the importance of the day i.e. 26th November 2023 with respect to the Sun showing its maximum impact on Planet Earth with NASA warning solar storms as an effect of Coronal Mass Ejections was not a mere coincidence. It was meant to happen.

The depiction of the Charithram began with a dance on Lord Ganesha as part of Invocation for his blessings. It was well performed by the dancers and the Elephant GOD truly blessed it with his presence. The concept of narration and generating curiosity through a question was aptly performed by a separate set of dancers at all stages. If I could segregate the stages of this entire production it could be this as per my understanding:

  1. Who is Karna - The Description.

  2. Durvasa Muni giving a boon to Kunti

  3. Kunti Trying the Boon

  4. Birth of Karna

  5. Kunti's adoration of her Ist Child and the pain and realization that she cannot keep him

  6. Separation by leaving him in a river

  7. The Charioteer finds the baby

  8. The Lucky Parents rejoice and the Naming ceremony of the child

  9. The beginning of friendship with Duryodhana

  10. Duryodhana Trust in his friend as well as his wife

  11. Giving away Kavacham and kundalam

  12. Learning from Parshuraman, the Bee Incident, and the curse

  13. Krishna asked Kunti to ask the 2 Boons

  14. The final arrow.

  15. Krishna’s respect for Karna

Each act was enacted with so much precision, depth, and character understanding that it was hard to be out of the journey. It was a cast spell by the superlative performances of each one of them. Be it Kunti’s love for the Baby Karna, her pain at separation beautifully elucidated through expressions by Jr.Kunti, the sway of the river by the bunch of artists, Duryodhan’s trust and friendship, the teachings from Parshuram to Karna, Krishna’s glance to Arjun to use the moment all timed to perfection. Above all the character of Karna played by Mridula Mam instilled in us a thought and questioned us - 

Why was Karna a Hero though he was a misfit? 

But was he a misfit ? 

Did Krishna try enough to bring him towards the Pandavas? 

Was friendship with Duryudhana a Boon or a Bane for Karna?

The last part is where Karna does not die even after he is hit by the arrow. tunned Arjunan asks Lord Krishna the reason. To which, Krishan replies – ” Dharmam avan thalaiya kaakiradhu, padaithavanin valuvum adhan munn palikadhu”.  Which means – His righteousness is saving his life. Even the creator’s power cannot overpower this. Karnan’s generosity (well wishes he earned from the poor and needy by donating everything he had) is saving his life. This is when Krishna transitions into an old beggar and approaches Karnan who is battling for his life (undead). And there comes the song.

Ullathil nalla ullam
Vallavan vaguthadhadaa, Karna
Varuvadhai edhirkolladaa.

As the song ends – the old beggar (actually Krishna) reaches Karna and asks for a donation. Karna, shocked tells him that he doesn’t have anything to give as he was battling for this life but the only thing that he can give at this point is his life. He also mentions that he would die peacefully if the beggar asked for something that he could give. Beggar smartly asks Karnan to donate the Puniyam, he earned through his generosity.  Beggar (Krishna) knew that it was this Punniyan who was saving Karnan’s life. Without any hesitation, Karnan agrees to offer his Puniyam. 

The icing on the cake was this part and this brought us to the complete belief that 

No matter how much unfairness we have got, how many times we were disgraced, how many times we were denied what was due to us, what is important is how you REACTED at that moment. Life's unfairness does not give you a license to walk the wrong path of Iniquity.

But the one thing Karna will be remembered for is his unwavering loyalty towards Duryodhana. A True Comrade - Through Thick and Thin. 

Salutations to all the singers, musicians, artists, Dr. Divyasena, and Mridula Mam for bringing such a beautiful enactment with utmost precision. GOD’s grace that we could watch this in person today. The Sun GOD would be beaming. Salute to the True Comrade.

Other articles on dance by the same author: - NRITHYA SANDHYA 2022 – COSMIC CONFLUENCE - Beyond Genders – The Navarasa Nayagi’s - EARLY MARGHAZI..

Monday 9 October 2023


Main Kahani Nahi Hoon,

Ki Chapunga Aur Reh Jaunga,

Main Kirdaar Hoon,

Bas Nibhaana Hai Aur Chale Jaane Hai.

- Derived from a read and added something 


Monday 28 November 2022



26th November 2022- Saturday the animate as well as the inanimate objects surrounding the Main Auditorium of Hindustan College of Arts and Science had started smiling, gossiping and breathing exuberance pointing to a special batch of students after awaiting a whole year. The students of SHREE NATYA NIKETAN were in the campus for their final rehearsal before the big day. Morning the session was enthralled with spectacular performances from across the age categories filling the air with positivity and confidence from the performers and pride for them from their GURU and Parents. The sun showed its prowess in the afternoon of Sunday, 27th November 2022. This did not deter the performers from getting on with their make-up and other modalities for the evening. GURUS and Parents making sure that all boxes were ticked to the dot. The Auditorium started filling up slowly and by 4.30 pm there was hardly a space for a pin.

The evening performance started with an Invocation to Lord Krishna followed by Dheem Dheem, Brahma Okate, and Chandra Chooda – all songs seeking either blessings or describing their different forms. They all pointed to the fact that there is only one GOD and everything is part of nature. The dancers in their immaculate symmetry of movements drove us the point whether, it is GARUDA GAMANA or VRISHABHA VAHANA, nature has a role to play. The next set of little girls performed on the form of dance which is known for its beats and jingling sounds making your heart race and in some cases make your hips move too. The Tribal folklore has always had an enigmatic touch of creating an upbeat mode. The songs Kurwanji and Valli Kanavan managed just that with the obeisance to Lord Murugan.

The stage was set for the tempo to rise further and that’s when then the LEZIM dancers representing the state of Maharashtra pounded the audience hearts with the sounds of “GANPATI BAPPA MORYA”. The dancers with their swaying movements of LEZIM made sure that LORD GANAPATI blessed the evening and indeed one could feel his presence. I personally being brought up in MUMBAI the sounds of GANAPATI BAPPA MORYAAAA still gives me goosebumps whenever and wherever I hear it. I am sure the audience must have felt it too irrespective of where they came from. The credit to the dancers and their choreographer. This gave way to a more subtle, symmetrical movements based dances DHOL and KOLATTAM. The dancers conducted their rhythmic body tilting as well as footstep movements to perfection. In both these dances the start, the speed as well as the end is prime as in other dance forms. The performers of Shree Natya Niketan need no introduction to perfection so it was cake walk here.

Pushpanjali means offering of flowers to a deity. I am not an expert but with my little knowledge I believe this is the first dance to be in a Bharatnatyam performance. The salutation dance invoking calmness, piety, gratitude, seeking blessings was felt all around through. The Bhavam, Ragam and Thalam was a visual treat to all those seeking a dance with expressions, posture and Rhythm as though you were in the lanes of Thanjavur in a dancer’s era. Their Guru Smt. Mridula Rai, a renowned BharatNatyam exponent should be credited for this.

As the audiences were filled with these feelings they were suddenly transported to a dance language which speaks of NAZAKAT, PANDHAT and Amazing spins – yes KATHAK. The body movements as compared to the earlier dances are straight but there is direct nexus between the dancers and the audience. The senior students under the able guidance of Smt. Ruchi Sharma a renowned Kathak Exponent did give a glimpse of UTHAAN, SALAAMI, TODI TUKDAS and LADI TATKAAR. Shringaar Ras had sneaked into the auditorium at this stage. Air was filled with purity and devotion.

The Hindustani Music had set the stage for a Feminine grace to enter the stage and there came the MOHINIATTAM dancers. Ten of them swayed gracefully to the Lasya inspired dance of Kerala. The Soft, gentle and calm movements giving importance to HASTHA LAKSHANDEEPIKA i.e hand gestures and facial expressions enunciating the elaborate description of mudras was well choreographed by Smt. Sujatha Nair Sanjay a renowned Mohinittam, Odissi and BharatNatyam exponent. The Students mesmerized the audience through a scintillating performance and had cast their spell. To break the spell the senior ladies batch performed Thiruvathira Kali under the choreography of their Guru Smt. Mridula Rai. The essence of the region was amply exemplified by the students through the graceful circular movements paying obeisance to Lord Shiva.

The next two dances were performed by the students under the able guidance of Smt. Sujatha Nair Sanjay and Shri Rama Koundinya, a renowned Kuchipudi exponent for Odissi and Kuchipudi respectively. The students performed Odissi dance form true to its art form, graceful and mesmerizing yet in its tandav form just like the waves from an ocean. The Kuchipudi students performed on the Sathyabhama Theme with and brought out the dance drama style which is unique to this dance. Though Kuchipudi can be broken in three forms i.e Nritta, Nritya and Natyam, the Natyam on Satyabhama/ Lord Krishna was done with such utmost bhavam. The students of Odissi dances performed the bhangas or the symmetric body bends and stance with very good composure.

The winter peaceful breeze outside the auditorium was just the calm before it to arrive inside the auditorium. The darkness inside the hall gave light to small lights tinkering on the stage. The lights gave shapes to them and their beholders. The dancers led by their GURU Supriya Singh Rawat a renowned Dhediya exponent in the middle swayed with an earthen pot and lamp lit on top of it on their heads. DHEDIYA the folk dance from Prayaagaraj region of India was done with graceful movements balancing the pot and lit lamp on their heads. A breath taking performance respecting the folklore of India. The students along with their GURU kept the audience at awe and just when they took a breath the finale began with the confluence of all the GURUS on stage, individually they showcased their talent as well as depicting that all classical dance forms originated from only one – THE NATYA SHASTRA.

It was as though we were watching a Circle of Enlightment on the stage. The circle was a complete with a start being Smt. Mridula Rai on one end with her expressions and Natyam, Smt. Sujatha Nair Sanjay with her graceful circular movements depicting lasyam, Smt. Ruchi Sharma with her amazing spins and Ladi-Tatkaar, Shri. Rama Koundinya with his amazing story telling ability through drama dance style and Supriya Singh Rawat Swaying on the Dhediya Rhythms. All their dances showed all the Navarasas and Though Diverse it definitely drove us the point that it unites for its roots and origin are one.  Exemplifying this uniqueness the finale concluded with all the students joining their gurus and giving the audience a once in a life time memorable moment to be cherished for ages.

They say words fail to communicate what eyes do. What we witnessed here was eyes fail to communicate sometimes what dances does. Anything done with Chitta Suddhi i.e purity of mind and Bhakthi i.e devotion leads to Aanandha i.e supreme bliss. Although there would have been many feelings throughout this entire journey of practice to stage the hard work and discipline of all those involved gave the audience the same RASANBHUTI of a Cosmic Confluence of RASASVADA i.e. a taste of bliss in the absence of thoughts.

GOD BLESS to all those involved


-        By Paribhramin

Sunday 4 September 2022

My Dad's Mutton Curry


My Dad's Mutton Curry


1 kg Mutton

1st Mix:

150 gm Small onions/Kerala shallots chopped finely

1 /2 teaspoon Mustard seeds

15 gm Ginger finely chopped

15 gm Garlic cloves chopped roughly

Curry leaves 1 strig

Use coconut oil and roast the above ingredients and keep aside


2nd Mix :

30 gm  Whole Coriander seeds

20 gm Dry Red Chilli 

5 gm Pepper Corns

3 gm Poppy seeds/ Khaskhas

1 gm Cumin

Roast these with 1 teaspoon coconut oil and Grind it to make a fine paste. Cumin and Poppy seeds should be added to the pan only when you off the gas.

3rd Mix

250 gm Small onions/Kerala shallots chopped finely.

5 gm Ginger chopped roughly

5 gm Garlic chopped roughly

Grind this to a fine paste

4th mix

Dry roast half coconut and Grind to a fine paste 

Cooking :

Clean the mutton and remove all water. Pat dry. Add the Ist and 2nd Mix to the mutton. Add 1 teaspoon turmeric, 2 teaspoon coconut oil, salt approx 1 teaspoon. Mix all of them and make sure to rub it in the mutton nicely. Place on the gas and cook till the mutton is no nicely cooked. If required the mutton could be put in cooker and cooked for 2 to 3 whistle. Once cooked. Then add the 3rd Mix and 4th Mix and cook without any lid for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Make sure the mutton is cooked well enough before you add the 3rd and 4th Mix.

Serve hot with Kerala Porotta/ Chappati/Phulka/ Rice.

Tuesday 8 March 2022

The Beginnings


Radhey Radhey

 Radhey Radhey...An Acrylic Painting depicting the meditative state of love and smiles a child brings to anybody's mind. Thanks to Vinisha for giving me this opportunity. It had to be Radhe Krishna...Nothing is as pure as their state of mind or the little Krishna depicted here...A Humble small effort to spread peace and love...Nothing else matters.

Mi Marathi

 My new painting from my childhood memories ..Ofcourse all are inspirations or references from various painters. So the copyrights of original music and paintings lies with the owner. It is my take on my childhood spent in Mumbai ..The City motivates you for sure.Basically what I have tried to bring out is the heritage and traditional values of Maharashtra region through its depiction of warli art, sense of vagabondness through its wanderer tribe, the rich bull festival, the enriching saga of valour and courage of Shivaji, the gentle warkaris longing to go the distance just to see Lord Vithala and the elegant natya rasa of the lavani songs and its artists....all dying out and this was my reminisence of what Maharashtra stands for...

Thursday 30 September 2021


Granny with No Strings

Acknowleding a condolence  or writing an Obituary is not an easy task and if is for someone whose soul ringed purity words fail to address its sanctity.

Satyabhama...the name rings to us the warrior queen of Lord Krishna. My granny was unlike any thing closer to that. The only thing which could relate her to Lord Krishna was her Ekadashi fast which I have seen for the past 43 years and her jest and patience while visiting Guruvayoor temple when our minds wavered to the thoughts of eating sumptous Masala Dosas in those small outside eateries of the temple.

Patience, Persistence and Practice are the 3 musketeers must for any field especially any art forms. She was born with it. But she had one more non characteristic quality of an artist. The quality of "Non Attachment". This teaching in Buddhism was imbibed in her. Why do I tell it ? 

When she lies in her glass chamber awaiting for her son to lit her pyre I see her lying with empty hands. She created carpets from old waste cloth, hanging door welcome thorans or hanging decors with beads, decorated many a temples with her rangoli designs, crafted birds and fruits with beads. She kind of had a penchancy for geometric designs and created patterns with child like ease. All this not for her but they remain in many a households she gifted it after her creation.

An artist who had the least ego about her creation and would let go of it against your simple request. Just like the Buddhist monks who erased exquisite paintings after creating it, she would also let go of it. To live a life with no strings attached is as difficult as To die with strings attached. She lived one and died too. My granny Satyabhama was one such being. To give comes to only to the purest of souls. Satyagranny or my Ammumma was a puritan with No strings attached.

Saturday 11 September 2021

Invest in Happiness

 Dear Kanchan's Kitchen Team,

"Festivals bind". Festivals are followed to strengthen the base of bondings and to bring us more closer to each other. Festival is a garland which is made up of flowers of love, humanity and understanding. The pandemic has brought us into the realms of nuclear celebrations and we all now understand what it means to spend hours talking and spending time with family members and friends and we do not mean digitally. Feel the Air in their presence.It made us realise that "Anything in excess becomes a poison even Nectar". Nevertheless, your kitchen continues to proclaim through your food the same bondings that we experienced being with our family. My nuclear family (we miss our entire big family) were indeed pleased with the quality of the sweets we ordered from you this Ganesh Festival. Be the Choorma Ladoo, Kesar Modak, Milk Modak or the Motichur ke Ladoo we could not identify which was the best. Mark my word "was"..Yes, we relished it so much that we could not help share it with our neighbours..After all Good things are for Sharing, Isn't it...They say when you share your grief it reduces to half whereas when you share your happiness it doubles so we thought let us invest in happiness. Thats what pandemic taught us right..Invest in Happiness..Sharing a few snaps of the Prasad we kept. Hope it brings a smile in the face of readers. Food Ratings from us: 4.9/5.

Thursday 22 July 2021

School's - To create A Replica or A Masterpiece

Parents are Critical Friends of School.A Yes and No for the same..

1. Yes they are, for they can be critical about the   conduct of the school management for mutual betterment .

2. They need to be a partner in the school management by being part of the decision making process and be co-governors.

3. Yes, they can be constructively critical about the policies of the school.

4.  They are the primary educators and play an important role in imparting norms and values, which are intended to mould learners to fit appropriately to the philosophy of the school.

5. Yes, they can be constructively critical about the facilities provided to their wards.

6.  They need to be supporters to both educators as well as learners and bridge the gap if any.

7. Yes, they can be critically debate and get clarified on the fees structure or different levies by the school management if they find it exhorbitant.

8. If the parents act as co governors in the management of schools, they should also be involved in fund-raising. Parents should be allowed to make decisions concerning activities to be
planned to raise funds. This starts with paying their own wards fees first.

9. They can critically review and decide common challenges for both parties for eg .how to reduce the effect of excessive digital use in current scenario.

10. For Promoting good behaviour it extremely important for schools to have a school disciplinary policy which would include details of school rules and expected behaviour as well as the consequences of deviation from school rules and regulations. This will never be feasible if parents on the home-front are not capable of maintaining discipline amongst their children. Sometimes ill-disciplined children are a manifestation of the behaviour of their parents. In order to maintain discipline, it requires the school authorities to involve parents in matters to collate discipline employed by parents on the home-front.

11.  Parental involvement should include decision -
making and not simple information giving. In the past, parents were not involved in decision - making processes.

12.  Children's progress will be diminished if their parents are not seen as partners in the education process with unique knowledge to impart. Children learn more when parents and teachers work together.

13. Parents are natural advocates of their own children. Parents' involvement in the education of their children should not be sporadic, but a continuous process aimed at producing a responsible adult. Parent involvement in schools helps to strengthen the parent-child relationships and can positively influence children's attitudes towards school, their academic progress and their behaviour.

14. All said and done...Bear in Mind "Teachers are experts in Education and Parents are experts in their Children". Some parents get too personal and seek to fulfill their aspirations through the child. In this pursuit in the mode of helping the child parents start crippling the child. Be a guide but allow the child to be a unique one. Schools are not intended to create replicas but develop a master piece. Just Allow them...

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Covid Exams Constipation

10th and 12th they studied and studied,

Had no respite or any relaxation,

Amazon, Netflix connection severed,

Is Exam a laxative when you suffer studies constipation.

No IPL No Movies they studied and studied,

No friends in serials or any socialisation,

Even the overused laptop retaliated,

Is Exam a laxative when you suffer studies constipation.

Why had they they studied and studied,

For if they lose in sports they lose with spirit,

For If they lose in exams they lose all their spirit,

Is Exam a laxative when you suffer studies constipation.

Saturday 5 June 2021


 जनम हुआ तो माँ के गर्भ से दूर हो गया II

चबाना सीखा तो स्तनपान से दूर हो गया  ll

चलना सीखा तो पिता की उंगली से दूर हो गया lI

तेरना सीखा तो नदी से दूर हो गया ll

सड़क को चुना तो गाँव से दूर हो गया ll

रोज़ी रोटी करने लगा तो जीने से दूर हो गया ll

परिवार बस ने लगा तो शौक से दूर हो गया ll

जीवन में हम दो अकेले हुए जब अपने दूर हो गए  ll

बिछड़ना नैसरगिक है तो ,
तो अब बिछदनेपर मन मलाल क्यूं हो गए ll
मलाल कर कlहे अंत अकेले क्यों सो गए ll


Friday 4 June 2021

Corona Vaccine hai ya Sadak

Sadak, Tum Ab Ayi Ho Gaav,

Jab Saara Gaav Sheher Jaa Chuka Hai.

Vaccine, Kahin Tum Bhi Aoege Tab,

Jab Saara Jahaan Khaali Ho Chuka Hai


Thursday 3 June 2021

Corona Jaana Biryani Hai Khaana

Kya Rakha Hai Ishq ki Kahani Mein,

Kab Dhundugaa Botiyaan Biryani Mein,

Kab Hoga Lockdown Sirf Yaadon Mein,

Bas Ab Diet ko Jaana Hoga Pani Mein....

A Die Hard Foodie (Paribhrahmin)

Monday 31 May 2021


Odisha...An Unexplored Treasure of India. Got an opportunity to visit it briefly and enjoy its culture. A visit which makes you to want to revisit it and explore more. Just to add to my bucket list I created a memory for myself of what it meant to me ...A land with no barriers, no inequalities, no restrictions, all encompassing.....PRISTINE IN CULTURE. All rights of music lies with its owner only.


Acyrlic Try on something which has fascinated and intrigued me from Childhood. My New Painting titled The Masks of Kerala...Human Emotions Personified. Inspiration was my visit to Parassinikadavu Temple in North Kerala Lord Muthappan. Then series of other incidents, to some extent Kummati Kali significance read and seen and the malayalam classic movie Kaliyattam inspired from the English literary classic Othello.

Masks depict and hide emotions and Characters just play it to the tune of the masks. #acrylicpainting #acrylicart #theyyam #kathakali #kummati #keralaart

All songs copyrights lie with their respective owners.


#Janeborges #BombayBalchao #MumbaiLove #Pao

If you like reading quaint neighborhood stories with insights into the day to day life struggles, joys with an underlying message on what life is and if you love Bombay and not Mumbai then Bombay Balchao is a must read for you. Do not expect it to be nice goody story like a Malgudi Days as the characters are not expected to be that. The story line has amply captured the nuances of the Catholic Community be it the Traditional East Indians, the Goans or the Mangalorean’s. If you are brought up amongst these communities one could relate with each of the characters so easily and I was fortunate to reminisce most. The author has brought out the general characteristics of these communities so well be it their free spirit, love for food, dance, music, literature, culture, heritage or just being purely vocal of their thoughts. It also has dwelled on the aspect of atrocities committed on heritage sites in Mumbai and around in the name of Re development with subtle anecdotes. As the piquant name suggests the author reminds us that life resembles the balchao pickle. It cannot be had in large portions else it is too much to digest. The tingling taste should linger and so will this book once you read it. As they said in their typical tone ....Chak le man....

From A Malayali by Birth and A Balchao Pao by Heart

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Jeena Marna

Bahar Nikalke Marna Nahi 

Kyunki Jeevan Jeena Hai Baki,

Kalaakaar Hoon Makkar Nahi

Kyunki Maisaaron se Jamme  Peena Hai Baki


Monday 19 April 2021


Ankhon Mein Ehsaas Rakho, 
Hoton Mein Izhar Rakho, 
Shaadi Zinda Rakhna Hai Toh, 
Tarkibe Bahut Saari Rakho. 

Palkon Mein Saadgi Rakho,
Kanno Mein Takkat Rakho,
Shaadi Zinda Rakhna Hai Toh,
Tarkibe Bahut Saari Rakho.

Awaaz Mein Nazakat Rakho,
Dekha Undekha Kuch Kuch Rakho,
Shaadi Zinda Rakhna Hai Toh,
Tarkibe Bahut Saari Rakho. 

Ishtiraaki Banna Hadh Mein Rakho,
Zakaat karam Mein Rakho,
Shaadi Zinda Rakhna Hai Toh,
Tarkibe Bahut Saari Rakho. 

Mohabbat Din Raat Zinda Rakho,
BAAKI Dastakon Ko Ab Dafan Rakho,
Shaadi Zinda Rakhna Hai TOh,
Toh Dil ka Taalaaaa,
Ek Duje ke Pass Rakho.....

Tuesday 13 April 2021



The Golden Shower had blossomed. The Vishu Pakshi i.e. The Indian Cuckoo had started singing the rhythmic familiar tones. Salted banana chips mesmerized the surroundings through its fragrant coconut oil aromatherapy. The Vishu Katta, a traditional ritualistic breakfast on Vishu Day (NEW YEAR DAY Celebrated in Kerala) was served. The parboiled rice cooked in coconut milk draped with jaggery syrup and accompanied by the crackling poppadum smelt heaven on banana leaves for Jayakrishnan. He sat on the teakwood dining table along with his father, brother and male cousins. The women folk had their own gang to dine and catch up on the yearly matters of each other.   

As he was about to take his first morsel, he was disturbed by a sight. He eyes were glued and pierced through the window bars and panes. He left the table and ran outside. Mohanan Pillai, his father frowned and crackled at him for leaving the table without completing the food. Geeta his mother was furious and yelled on Mohanan Pillai for allowing him to go. Meanwhile, his elder brother Rohit and cousins were busy enjoying the Vishu Katta. The only person to relish amongst all cousins was Soumya as she wanted to be in the good books of her grandmother. Rohit was the least interested and would have loved to have some bread and omelet which he mentioned too in the morning but a glare from his mother reconciled his luscious wishes.

Jayakrishnan came back after a good one hour. He was not alone. A small puppy lay in his palm. Battered and Bruised with injuries, it must be only days old from its birth. The pale and frightened look on its face meant it had undergone some amount of trauma. All of them started shouting at him to remove the dirty wrench out of the house. All were skeptical and thought that it was indeed dirty to bring such creatures that too on a NEW YEAR DAY. Their wails and frustrations fell on deaf ears. He took the pup and placed it at the bottom of a Bahava Tree. The Yellow showers of soft petals from the tree acted as a cushion for it to sleep. He ran to the backend of the kitchen and asked latha, their cook for some milk in a small tumbler. By the time he reached the tree, the pup had fallen asleep due to sheer tiredness. He waited and had his Vishu Katta alongside kuttan below the Bahava tree. Yes, Kuttan that’s what he had decided he would call him. The decision to not part with him had been taken.

Jayakrishnan kept some Vishu Katta for Kuttan. As soon as he opened his tiny eyes playing hide and seek with the sunrays Jayakrishnan tried to feed him some milk and a tiny portion of the Vishu Katta. At first Kuttan denied it and was afraid to have anything from a stranger. But this was no stranger and he realized that there is someone helping him. He had the 1st morsel from Jayakrishnan’s palm. Soon Kuttan and Jayakrishnan were inseparable. As days passed kuttan became a member in the family such that even Geeta and Mohanan could not make a day without him.

Soon, they had a new neighbor. The Abraham’s had sold their house to a retired Indian Civil Servant – Mr. Mangalassery KrishnaPrasad Menon. He retired from the Indian Foreign Services as Chief Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His wife Radhamani was a housewife and looked after her husband and household needs. It was a known fact in Delhi Mr. Menon’s friend circles that she was more powerful than her husband as all the household decisions were made by her. Jayakrishnan had left for Cochin for his new job before the new neighbors came. Kuttan was enjoying his days with Geeta and Mohanan. “Good Morning Aunty” said a soft feeble voice. “I am Gandharvika, Mr. & Mrs. Menon’s daughter”. This is the first time Kuttan saw Gandharvika. They soon became friends. She had joined the dental college in the city and had joined her parents after a short vacation with her friends. Evening’s kuttan used to spend time with Gandharvika and he had become a part of the Menon household too.

A bright sunny afternoon and Jayakrishnan was returning from the bus stand walking towards his house across the paddy fields. Just then he saw kuttan running across the street and going towards his house. He saw a sigh of relief on the face of kuttan as soon as he saw him. Jayakrishnan sensed that kuttan wanted to tell something and it was something to do with his neighbors. He ran towards their house and kuttan too ran with him. As soon as he entered the house he saw Mr. Menon alone lying in bed gasping for breath and holding his breath. Without wasting a moment, Jayakrishnan called up his father and they managed to take him to Mr. Menon’s car. Kuttan was standing there with the car keys in his mouth. They drove to the nearest hospital. Mrs. Menon who had gone to the grocery was unaware of this. The timely action from kuttan saved Mr. Menon’s life. Gandharvika and Mrs. Menon had arrived in hospital. That’s the 1st time Gandharvika and Jayakrishnan met. Their eyes met and there was only one witness – Kuttan.

The next day was Vishu for which Jayakrishnan had come and so were his siblings. Kuttan was in his usual spot when Jayakrishnan saw a small red note tucked neatly inside his collar. It Said “Thanks…a 10 digit number”. Jayakrishnan smiled at kuttan who was looking up and smiling.  Jayakrishnan understood what he meant and saw up…The BAHAVA’s had bloomed again.