Tuesday 13 April 2021



The Golden Shower had blossomed. The Vishu Pakshi i.e. The Indian Cuckoo had started singing the rhythmic familiar tones. Salted banana chips mesmerized the surroundings through its fragrant coconut oil aromatherapy. The Vishu Katta, a traditional ritualistic breakfast on Vishu Day (NEW YEAR DAY Celebrated in Kerala) was served. The parboiled rice cooked in coconut milk draped with jaggery syrup and accompanied by the crackling poppadum smelt heaven on banana leaves for Jayakrishnan. He sat on the teakwood dining table along with his father, brother and male cousins. The women folk had their own gang to dine and catch up on the yearly matters of each other.   

As he was about to take his first morsel, he was disturbed by a sight. He eyes were glued and pierced through the window bars and panes. He left the table and ran outside. Mohanan Pillai, his father frowned and crackled at him for leaving the table without completing the food. Geeta his mother was furious and yelled on Mohanan Pillai for allowing him to go. Meanwhile, his elder brother Rohit and cousins were busy enjoying the Vishu Katta. The only person to relish amongst all cousins was Soumya as she wanted to be in the good books of her grandmother. Rohit was the least interested and would have loved to have some bread and omelet which he mentioned too in the morning but a glare from his mother reconciled his luscious wishes.

Jayakrishnan came back after a good one hour. He was not alone. A small puppy lay in his palm. Battered and Bruised with injuries, it must be only days old from its birth. The pale and frightened look on its face meant it had undergone some amount of trauma. All of them started shouting at him to remove the dirty wrench out of the house. All were skeptical and thought that it was indeed dirty to bring such creatures that too on a NEW YEAR DAY. Their wails and frustrations fell on deaf ears. He took the pup and placed it at the bottom of a Bahava Tree. The Yellow showers of soft petals from the tree acted as a cushion for it to sleep. He ran to the backend of the kitchen and asked latha, their cook for some milk in a small tumbler. By the time he reached the tree, the pup had fallen asleep due to sheer tiredness. He waited and had his Vishu Katta alongside kuttan below the Bahava tree. Yes, Kuttan that’s what he had decided he would call him. The decision to not part with him had been taken.

Jayakrishnan kept some Vishu Katta for Kuttan. As soon as he opened his tiny eyes playing hide and seek with the sunrays Jayakrishnan tried to feed him some milk and a tiny portion of the Vishu Katta. At first Kuttan denied it and was afraid to have anything from a stranger. But this was no stranger and he realized that there is someone helping him. He had the 1st morsel from Jayakrishnan’s palm. Soon Kuttan and Jayakrishnan were inseparable. As days passed kuttan became a member in the family such that even Geeta and Mohanan could not make a day without him.

Soon, they had a new neighbor. The Abraham’s had sold their house to a retired Indian Civil Servant – Mr. Mangalassery KrishnaPrasad Menon. He retired from the Indian Foreign Services as Chief Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His wife Radhamani was a housewife and looked after her husband and household needs. It was a known fact in Delhi Mr. Menon’s friend circles that she was more powerful than her husband as all the household decisions were made by her. Jayakrishnan had left for Cochin for his new job before the new neighbors came. Kuttan was enjoying his days with Geeta and Mohanan. “Good Morning Aunty” said a soft feeble voice. “I am Gandharvika, Mr. & Mrs. Menon’s daughter”. This is the first time Kuttan saw Gandharvika. They soon became friends. She had joined the dental college in the city and had joined her parents after a short vacation with her friends. Evening’s kuttan used to spend time with Gandharvika and he had become a part of the Menon household too.

A bright sunny afternoon and Jayakrishnan was returning from the bus stand walking towards his house across the paddy fields. Just then he saw kuttan running across the street and going towards his house. He saw a sigh of relief on the face of kuttan as soon as he saw him. Jayakrishnan sensed that kuttan wanted to tell something and it was something to do with his neighbors. He ran towards their house and kuttan too ran with him. As soon as he entered the house he saw Mr. Menon alone lying in bed gasping for breath and holding his breath. Without wasting a moment, Jayakrishnan called up his father and they managed to take him to Mr. Menon’s car. Kuttan was standing there with the car keys in his mouth. They drove to the nearest hospital. Mrs. Menon who had gone to the grocery was unaware of this. The timely action from kuttan saved Mr. Menon’s life. Gandharvika and Mrs. Menon had arrived in hospital. That’s the 1st time Gandharvika and Jayakrishnan met. Their eyes met and there was only one witness – Kuttan.

The next day was Vishu for which Jayakrishnan had come and so were his siblings. Kuttan was in his usual spot when Jayakrishnan saw a small red note tucked neatly inside his collar. It Said “Thanks…a 10 digit number”. Jayakrishnan smiled at kuttan who was looking up and smiling.  Jayakrishnan understood what he meant and saw up…The BAHAVA’s had bloomed again.

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