Sunday 4 April 2021

EULOGY...Romy Mama (Sanjiv Das)...The Eternal Guide

Currently forget physical contact and greeting even an eye contact is rare. In that context meeting and receiving the most enchanting smile with a sparkle in his eyes was indeed a blessing. That's how we met Romy Mama. 

The greats Vivekanada, Chandragupta Maurya all needed a Guru who stayed constantly with them to guide them. Thanks to Tulika and Sayuj (my brother in law) for getting married and thats how and where we met Romy Mama. Romy Mama as we were introduced was a Advocate practising in the reigns of the highest judicial system in the country but for us he was the tour guide from Bhubaneshwar to Puri via Konark. That was his humility. He spoke with the same zest to a 12 year old girl or a 67 year old person in the mini bus which we travelled. He made sure all of us were so comfortable and explained us all the best places on the way. Romy Mama was not only explaining the historical nuances but also its political significance and their economical strength. Along with this he gave his thoughts on environmental conservation too. A perfect host who had arranged the smallest of the needs of his fellow travellers. That's the truth I met him only once in my lifetime. A Supreme court advocate spending his valuable time with a bunch of newbees. I was influenced by his simplicity.

People write eulogy once you die, I wonder why? Once you write the eulogy it is like a candle which is burnt off, rather it should be like the Incense stick. It burns but slowly and the fragrance lingers for long. Some persons leave such mark in your life and Romy Mama was one of them. This is not a eulogy but my burning of the incense stick for the great soul. For me he was a person who you need to meet only once and be guided for life.He will always remain an eternal guide helping to be a better human being.


  1. Very true. The best host! In the extremely fiery Sun wonder how he also performed as the perfect guide and took all of us around Konark temple with somuch care for each and everyone of us. Bhavapoornu Shraddhanjali

  2. Thank you so much Sanjiv Jiju. Well bapa was thrilled to play the role of a guide. With the immense knowledge of his state he wanted all of you to witness the best. Well I'll be baised here and say no one is best. I am so thankful to everyone who have met bapa and enjoyed his company.
