Saturday 11 September 2021

Invest in Happiness

 Dear Kanchan's Kitchen Team,

"Festivals bind". Festivals are followed to strengthen the base of bondings and to bring us more closer to each other. Festival is a garland which is made up of flowers of love, humanity and understanding. The pandemic has brought us into the realms of nuclear celebrations and we all now understand what it means to spend hours talking and spending time with family members and friends and we do not mean digitally. Feel the Air in their presence.It made us realise that "Anything in excess becomes a poison even Nectar". Nevertheless, your kitchen continues to proclaim through your food the same bondings that we experienced being with our family. My nuclear family (we miss our entire big family) were indeed pleased with the quality of the sweets we ordered from you this Ganesh Festival. Be the Choorma Ladoo, Kesar Modak, Milk Modak or the Motichur ke Ladoo we could not identify which was the best. Mark my word "was"..Yes, we relished it so much that we could not help share it with our neighbours..After all Good things are for Sharing, Isn't it...They say when you share your grief it reduces to half whereas when you share your happiness it doubles so we thought let us invest in happiness. Thats what pandemic taught us right..Invest in Happiness..Sharing a few snaps of the Prasad we kept. Hope it brings a smile in the face of readers. Food Ratings from us: 4.9/5.

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