Thursday 30 September 2021


Granny with No Strings

Acknowleding a condolence  or writing an Obituary is not an easy task and if is for someone whose soul ringed purity words fail to address its sanctity.

Satyabhama...the name rings to us the warrior queen of Lord Krishna. My granny was unlike any thing closer to that. The only thing which could relate her to Lord Krishna was her Ekadashi fast which I have seen for the past 43 years and her jest and patience while visiting Guruvayoor temple when our minds wavered to the thoughts of eating sumptous Masala Dosas in those small outside eateries of the temple.

Patience, Persistence and Practice are the 3 musketeers must for any field especially any art forms. She was born with it. But she had one more non characteristic quality of an artist. The quality of "Non Attachment". This teaching in Buddhism was imbibed in her. Why do I tell it ? 

When she lies in her glass chamber awaiting for her son to lit her pyre I see her lying with empty hands. She created carpets from old waste cloth, hanging door welcome thorans or hanging decors with beads, decorated many a temples with her rangoli designs, crafted birds and fruits with beads. She kind of had a penchancy for geometric designs and created patterns with child like ease. All this not for her but they remain in many a households she gifted it after her creation.

An artist who had the least ego about her creation and would let go of it against your simple request. Just like the Buddhist monks who erased exquisite paintings after creating it, she would also let go of it. To live a life with no strings attached is as difficult as To die with strings attached. She lived one and died too. My granny Satyabhama was one such being. To give comes to only to the purest of souls. Satyagranny or my Ammumma was a puritan with No strings attached.

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