Thursday 22 July 2021

School's - To create A Replica or A Masterpiece

Parents are Critical Friends of School.A Yes and No for the same..

1. Yes they are, for they can be critical about the   conduct of the school management for mutual betterment .

2. They need to be a partner in the school management by being part of the decision making process and be co-governors.

3. Yes, they can be constructively critical about the policies of the school.

4.  They are the primary educators and play an important role in imparting norms and values, which are intended to mould learners to fit appropriately to the philosophy of the school.

5. Yes, they can be constructively critical about the facilities provided to their wards.

6.  They need to be supporters to both educators as well as learners and bridge the gap if any.

7. Yes, they can be critically debate and get clarified on the fees structure or different levies by the school management if they find it exhorbitant.

8. If the parents act as co governors in the management of schools, they should also be involved in fund-raising. Parents should be allowed to make decisions concerning activities to be
planned to raise funds. This starts with paying their own wards fees first.

9. They can critically review and decide common challenges for both parties for eg .how to reduce the effect of excessive digital use in current scenario.

10. For Promoting good behaviour it extremely important for schools to have a school disciplinary policy which would include details of school rules and expected behaviour as well as the consequences of deviation from school rules and regulations. This will never be feasible if parents on the home-front are not capable of maintaining discipline amongst their children. Sometimes ill-disciplined children are a manifestation of the behaviour of their parents. In order to maintain discipline, it requires the school authorities to involve parents in matters to collate discipline employed by parents on the home-front.

11.  Parental involvement should include decision -
making and not simple information giving. In the past, parents were not involved in decision - making processes.

12.  Children's progress will be diminished if their parents are not seen as partners in the education process with unique knowledge to impart. Children learn more when parents and teachers work together.

13. Parents are natural advocates of their own children. Parents' involvement in the education of their children should not be sporadic, but a continuous process aimed at producing a responsible adult. Parent involvement in schools helps to strengthen the parent-child relationships and can positively influence children's attitudes towards school, their academic progress and their behaviour.

14. All said and done...Bear in Mind "Teachers are experts in Education and Parents are experts in their Children". Some parents get too personal and seek to fulfill their aspirations through the child. In this pursuit in the mode of helping the child parents start crippling the child. Be a guide but allow the child to be a unique one. Schools are not intended to create replicas but develop a master piece. Just Allow them...

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