Sunday 26 November 2023



A few days back Mridula Madam - my daughter’s Dance teacher informed us about their Dance production program on Karna Charithram being performed as part of their Annual Day celebrations. She also mentioned that she is performing the lead role. The timing was a clash with my Chenda  ( A Classical traditional instrument from the Southern region of India) classes. I immediately sought permission from my Ashan Sathish Kumar Ramankutty to have the classes a bit early. I was selfish not to miss both. He was also kind enough to allow the same. Sunday started with our chenda classes. For the last few weeks, it has been a bit hectic and sleep has eluded me for some months now. So I took a 20-minute wink and then started to proceed with the program. Hindustan Auditorium has been witness to many programs and the Annual Day Celebrations of Shree Natya Niketan was a given at this place. 

The essence of a given time to start a program should be learned from Shree Natya Niketan. They start on time and are punctual to the dot. This has been consistent throughout their years of programs. The Anchor was kind enough to enunciate the details of the magnitude that we were about to witness. The importance of Sun GOD in the life of Karna and the importance of the day i.e. 26th November 2023 with respect to the Sun showing its maximum impact on Planet Earth with NASA warning solar storms as an effect of Coronal Mass Ejections was not a mere coincidence. It was meant to happen.

The depiction of the Charithram began with a dance on Lord Ganesha as part of Invocation for his blessings. It was well performed by the dancers and the Elephant GOD truly blessed it with his presence. The concept of narration and generating curiosity through a question was aptly performed by a separate set of dancers at all stages. If I could segregate the stages of this entire production it could be this as per my understanding:

  1. Who is Karna - The Description.

  2. Durvasa Muni giving a boon to Kunti

  3. Kunti Trying the Boon

  4. Birth of Karna

  5. Kunti's adoration of her Ist Child and the pain and realization that she cannot keep him

  6. Separation by leaving him in a river

  7. The Charioteer finds the baby

  8. The Lucky Parents rejoice and the Naming ceremony of the child

  9. The beginning of friendship with Duryodhana

  10. Duryodhana Trust in his friend as well as his wife

  11. Giving away Kavacham and kundalam

  12. Learning from Parshuraman, the Bee Incident, and the curse

  13. Krishna asked Kunti to ask the 2 Boons

  14. The final arrow.

  15. Krishna’s respect for Karna

Each act was enacted with so much precision, depth, and character understanding that it was hard to be out of the journey. It was a cast spell by the superlative performances of each one of them. Be it Kunti’s love for the Baby Karna, her pain at separation beautifully elucidated through expressions by Jr.Kunti, the sway of the river by the bunch of artists, Duryodhan’s trust and friendship, the teachings from Parshuram to Karna, Krishna’s glance to Arjun to use the moment all timed to perfection. Above all the character of Karna played by Mridula Mam instilled in us a thought and questioned us - 

Why was Karna a Hero though he was a misfit? 

But was he a misfit ? 

Did Krishna try enough to bring him towards the Pandavas? 

Was friendship with Duryudhana a Boon or a Bane for Karna?

The last part is where Karna does not die even after he is hit by the arrow. tunned Arjunan asks Lord Krishna the reason. To which, Krishan replies – ” Dharmam avan thalaiya kaakiradhu, padaithavanin valuvum adhan munn palikadhu”.  Which means – His righteousness is saving his life. Even the creator’s power cannot overpower this. Karnan’s generosity (well wishes he earned from the poor and needy by donating everything he had) is saving his life. This is when Krishna transitions into an old beggar and approaches Karnan who is battling for his life (undead). And there comes the song.

Ullathil nalla ullam
Vallavan vaguthadhadaa, Karna
Varuvadhai edhirkolladaa.

As the song ends – the old beggar (actually Krishna) reaches Karna and asks for a donation. Karna, shocked tells him that he doesn’t have anything to give as he was battling for this life but the only thing that he can give at this point is his life. He also mentions that he would die peacefully if the beggar asked for something that he could give. Beggar smartly asks Karnan to donate the Puniyam, he earned through his generosity.  Beggar (Krishna) knew that it was this Punniyan who was saving Karnan’s life. Without any hesitation, Karnan agrees to offer his Puniyam. 

The icing on the cake was this part and this brought us to the complete belief that 

No matter how much unfairness we have got, how many times we were disgraced, how many times we were denied what was due to us, what is important is how you REACTED at that moment. Life's unfairness does not give you a license to walk the wrong path of Iniquity.

But the one thing Karna will be remembered for is his unwavering loyalty towards Duryodhana. A True Comrade - Through Thick and Thin. 

Salutations to all the singers, musicians, artists, Dr. Divyasena, and Mridula Mam for bringing such a beautiful enactment with utmost precision. GOD’s grace that we could watch this in person today. The Sun GOD would be beaming. Salute to the True Comrade.

Other articles on dance by the same author: - NRITHYA SANDHYA 2022 – COSMIC CONFLUENCE - Beyond Genders – The Navarasa Nayagi’s - EARLY MARGHAZI..

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