Saturday 11 April 2020

Mumbai Laadi Pav

(Eggless version)


My 2nd recipe is a must try for all those who love baking. The “Pav” (commonly known as Pau in Goa and Laadi Pav in Mumbai ) as we all know is a culinary legacy of Portuguese rule in India. Pav refers to small delightfully soft bread rolls that are eaten with any Indian Spicy Curry in the coastal belts especially with Fish Curry, Mutton Curry or Chicken gravies and in case of vegetarians it is a much needed accompaniments with any of the snacks like Vada Pav, Bhaji Pav, Samosa Pav and the world famous Pav bhaaji/ vegetable gravy. Pav is also eaten dipped in tea, or split and had with butter/ghee and if you are from Mumbai, you cannot miss out the Irani cafes with the delectable Maska Pav and Cutting which we recognize as Masala Chai (Masala Tea). In the Marathi language, the word “pav” means one-fourth. Mumbaikars also are aware of a slightly weird story that the dough for the bread rolls was kneaded with feet instead of hands. Now the word “Pav” in Hindi means feet. The Pav for Pav Bhaji is sometimes called “Laadi Pav” which means a slab of bread rolls. These rolls are baked as one big slab and the individual rolls are pulled apart.
To eat Pav Bhaji, the “Pav” is first slit sideways in half. Then it is placed, cut side down, in melted butter, on a hot griddle and lightly toasted and brown. It is then served hot with “Bhaji”. Before you all admire me for making my own Pav, let me assure you that I have never made them till now.
But trust me the fragrance in the air once the puffs start blooming is indeed satisfying and enticing. The fragrance of freshly baked Pav brings backs memories from Vartak Nagar in Thane where early morning the Pav-wala as we used to call him made his way between lanes of buildings in cycles with Hard Buns, soft ladi pav and Mom used to give it alongwith Tea with a dollop of butter squeezed inside the pav....Bliss....My first baked pav had the buttery fragrance and made me realize that some tastes linger and make us venture down memory lanes.

Please note for any weights and measurements clarifications
check out my below link :

1 ½ cup warm milk
2 tsp sugar
8 grams dry yeast
3 cup (450 grams) maida / plain flour
½ tsp salt
2.5 tbsp Melted butter
In a bowl activate the yeast by combining 1 1/2 cup milk, 2 tsp sugar and 7 grams dry yeast.

Add 3 cup maida and ½ tsp salt.
Knead until the dough turns soft.

Add the butter and knead the dough.

Cover with cloth and rest for 2 hours in a warm place.
 Kaveri Magic : Leave it for extra 15 minutes

Punch the dough and knead it slightly to remove air incorporated.

Kaveri Magic : Ensure there is no stickiness to the Bowl or even your hand. In case yes, add a bit butter.

Make 9 equal portions
Take a Greased Tray. Place the balls into a greased tray. Place them leaving equal space in between.

Brush the dough with milk without damaging the balls.

Cover with wet cloth and allow to rest for minimum 45 minutes or until the dough reaches the brim of the tray.

Preheat and bake at 180 degree celcius for 10 minutes till they rolls have risen and started browning. Take them out of the oven and quickly brush them with melted butter and bake them for
another 5 minutes till the tops have browned well.

Once the pav is out of the oven, rub with butter to get a shiny look.

Cover with a wet cloth to get a super soft cloth and allow to cool completely.

Enjoy with any curry or Bhaaji......Masala Chai is a must ….
As our Irani Café owners used to say... Maska Marke….  

A Quick Recap Image


  1. Excellent.. 🙂 looks yummy.. The burji receipe?

  2. Excellent.. 🙂 looks yummy.. The burji receipe?
