Thursday 10 May 2018

Smoked Tapioca...

Smoked Tapioca...

Today morning, after a long time I got a lucky time for myself. As soon as I  left my daughter for her martial art classes, I treated myself to a good walk. Keeping in mind the destination to be a return journey from a known provision store to buy some of the ingredients  for my daughters favourite breakfast, I started. As I passed through the broad alleys of row houses behind where we stay, a steamy smoky fragrance spelled magic in my mind. My mind hardly judges such fragrances incorrectly. The woody, smoky, charred taste of "Chutta Kappa" i.e Tapioca smoked in hearth or kitchen fireplaces lingered back from my taste buds and the thought of it having with its wife the spicy Kandari Mulaga and Small Onion chamandi brought gallons of water in my mouth (I am sure your mouth too has watered). It was my 8th vacation when I ,travelled alone to my native in Palakkad. I was treating myself all alone in my Dad's house in Perradikunna, Pathripala, Palakkad. This place brings lots of nostalgic moments for me especially the  thought of sharing space with my dearest Grandfather T.Achuthan Nair. He sitting on a chair and watching us with his back toward's the window opening towards the main dining hall, the glitter on his white handsome face, his  light shaded eyes, his humility towards all organisms have left an indelible good mark in my soul till I meet him next. This year he is not with us, still I was cherishing his glories and enjoying myself in his own backyard. Suddenly a sound as though  Jackfruit or a Coconut falls from its trees thundered and my granny rushed out. I had fallen from a swing trying some exceptional tricks. This was nothing new but only issue being the back of my head but the ground and I was a little semi conscious and started vomiting. My dad's brother Girielecha who came in after some time, on my granny insistence took me to a local doctor. After some checkups he left me and said nothing to worry, though he warned him to keep a watch for one day. My Granny..Kaveriamma..was worried and when I was back she kept me by her side all along. That evening she treated my a dish which will stay with me for my life..Smoked Steamy Tapioca with Kandari Mulaga and Small Onion chamandi with Hot tea. A treat I now indulge when the raingods shower their first blessings on hot sun baked mud  the Ist rain smell brings in romantic memories to one and all..I romanticize the burnt tapioca...SRN


  1. Well narrated episode for sure.... Usual of you I liked the flow... The way you had wedded together the smoked tapioca and the spicy dip really watered the mouth for you cherish your memories did your daughter get to relish the taste of it was my curiosity as a reader. Fantastic!!!!

    1. Yes Praveen..She has tasted it. Thanks once again for your kind words. Keeps me going.
